19. Recording of deeds.
28. Bonds of conveyance to be executed,
acknowledged and recorded.
72 Covenants.
73. General warranty.
74. Special warranty.
75. Seizin
76. Right to convey.
77. Quiet possession.
78 Perfect title.
79. Further assurances.
80. Deeds made valid.
1867, c. 58 repeals section 19, and re-enacts the game amended as follows:
1807, c 68.
Recording of
SEC. 19. Any deed or conveyance of or relating to
land duly acknowledged and required by law to be
recorded, except deeds or conveyances by way of
mortgages may be recorded after the time herein
prescribed, and when so recorded shall have, as
against the grantor, his heirs or executors, and
against all purchasers, with notice of such deed or
conveyance, and against all creditors of such grantor
and his heirs, who shall become so after the record-
ing of such deed or conveyance, the same validity
and effect as if recorded within the time hereinbe-
fore prescribed, this section to apply to all deeds exe-
cuted and acknowledged according to law, whether
before or after the adoption of this act.
In force from February 25, 1867.
1865, c. 47 adds the following section, to take place after section 27:
1865, c. 47
Bonds of con-
eyance to be
executed, ac-
and recorded
28. Every bond, writing obligatory or contract for
the conveyance of real estate or any interest or estate
of, in, or relating to real estate, and every bond, writ-
ing obligatory or contract for the leasing and demis-
ing for any term of years of real estate, may be exe-
cuted, acknowledged and recorded in the same manner
as deeds of real estate are required by this article to
be executed, acknowledged and recorded, and as if
such bonds, writings obligatory and contracts, were
deeds as aforesaid ; and a certified copy of the record