together with the proper vouchers therefor, and shall
accompany such report to the comptroller with the
payment of any balance or balances that may be in
his or their hands, after defraying the expense of
office rent as allowed by third section of the act of
eighteen hundred and sixty-five, chapter thirty-three,
and the reservation of three hundred dollars, which
shall be applied to the payment of the clerk or treas-
urer of the county commissioners, or any one of their
. number on whomever was devolved the special duty
of disbursing said bounty funds and keeping an
account of the same.
27. It shall be the duty of the comptroller to care-
fully examine the reports or statements so made, to
grant credits for amounts claimed to have been so
disbursed only on exhibit of proper vouchers, and
on final adjustment to give the party or body corpo-
rate a release from under his band of all liability to
the state on this or these accounts.
Ibid. B. 2.
Comptroller to
examine, etc.
28. On failure to adjust accounts and make return
to the comptroller of the treasury by the time speci-
fied in the first section of this act, he, the comptroller
is hereby authorized and directed to institute suit in
every case without exception, to recover, the amount
or amounts, the balance or balances in the hands of
the said bounty commissioners or register of the city
of Baltimore, or in the hands of the Maryland bounty
commissioners, as the case may be.
Ibid. B. 3
To institute
29. It is hereby made the duty of the judges of the
circuit courts for the several counties, and of the judge
of the criminal court for the city of Baltimore, at the
first session of their respective courts after the first
of June of this current year, to read this act to the
grand juries of their respective counties, direct them
to inquire whether its provisions have been complied
with, and instruct them that when not complied with,
it will become their duty under article thirty of the
code of public general laws, title crimes and punish-
ments; sub-title, embezzling property and writings,
Ibid. s. 4.
Duty of judges
of courts.