section fifty, to present such persons neglecting to
comply with the provisions 'of this act for embezzle-
ment of the public funds.
In force from March 21; 1867.
1867, c. 335 enacts the following :
1867, c. 366, s. 1
Governor to
appoint pen-
sion commis-
30. The governor shall annually appoint a suitable
person in each legislative district in the city of Bal-
timore and in each of the several counties in the state,
to be styled " state pension commissioners," who shall
not be entitled to receive any compensation for the
services hereinafter mentioned.
Ibid s 2.
Their duties.
31. Upon application being made to the state pen-
sion commissioner from the city or county where he
or she resides, by a soldier of the war of eighteen
hundred and twelve, or the widow of any such soldier
for the benefit of the relief provided for by this act,
he shall examine carefully into the merits of the case,"
and if he becomes satisfied of the identity of the per-
son, and that he or she is really in need of such assist-
ance, he shall certify the same to the comptroller, and
authorize the payment of a pension as has heretofore
been done by a resolution of the general assembly.
Ibid s 3 •
Pension of $80
per annum.
32. The treasurer is hereby directed, on the war-
rant of the comptroller, to pay quarterly the sum of
eighty dollars per annum to any person so certified
to by the state pension commissioner from the date
of such recommendation during his or her life.
In force from March 20, 1867.
NOTE —See Resolution No 7, of 1867. By Const of 1867, Art. III, Sec. 59, the office of State
Pension Commissioner is abolished