equally ; third, if he leave no widow, child or chil-
dren, then to his mother; fourth, if he leaves no
mother, then to his father ; and if no father, then to
his brothers and sisters equally, and if he leave no
brother or sister, then the same shall revert to the
In force from March 22, 1867.
1867 c. 372 enacts the following :
1867, c 372.
Provisions ex-
tended to all
volunteers and
drafted men.
25. The provisions of chapter fifteen of eighteen
hundred and sixty -four, and chapter three hundred
and seventy-three of eighteen hundred and sixty-
four and the supplements thereto, are hereby ex-
tended to embrace all volunteers and drafted men
who entered the United States service from the first
day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to the
eighteenth day of, December, eighteen hundred and
sixty-four, and also such other persons who entered
the service or furnished substitutes, who were mus-
tered into the service of the United States, and cred-
ited to the call of the president of the nineteenth of
December,, eighteen hundred and sixty-four; pro-
vided, said volunteers and drafted men have been
regularly mustered by a duly authorized officer of
the United States, and accredited to the quotas of
the state of Maryland.
In force from March 22, 1867.
1867, c. 167 enacts the following:
1807, c 167, s. 1.
Reports to
26: The several parties or bodies corporate, in-
trusted with the distribution of these bounty funds,
are hereby directed and required to make report on
or before the first day of June of this current year,
to the comptroller of the treasury, in detailed form,
which shall show the amount of money received, the
amounts disbursed and the party or parties to whom,