city of Baltimore, under the call of the president of
the United States for three hundred thousand men,
dated December, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, or
any other similar one which shall hereafter be made.
21. The mayor and city council of Baltimore and
the county commissioners of the several counties
aforesaid, are hereby prohibited from levying or
paying any larger sum than is herein before pro-
vided for in the above section.
1365, c. 33, in force from February 3, 1865.
1867, c. 156 enacts the following :
1866, c. 33, s 8.
Bounty lim-
22. The comptroller is authorized and required
to examine into and adjust all the unpaid bounties
under the act of eighteen hundred and sixty-four,
chapter fifteen, and the act of eighteen hundred and
sixty-five, chapter thirty-three, and to issue his war-
rants to the treasurer to be paid the same out of any
unappropriated funds in the treasury.
1867, c. 166, B 3.
Treasurer au-
thorized to pay.
23. The comptroller shall from time to time issue
his warrant to the treasurer to pay out of any moneys
in the treasury for such sums as may be
pay accruing and future interest on the bonds of the
state which were issued under the said acts of eighteen
hundred and sixty -four, chapter fifteen, and eighteen
hundred and sixty-five, chapter thirty -three.
In force from March 21, 1867.
1867, c. 371 enacts the following :
Ibid. B 4
Comptroller to
issue warrant
to pay future
24. In case of the decease of any parties entitled
to bounty under the acts of eighteen hundred and
sixty-five, chapter thirty-three, and eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-five, chapter one hundred and six,
the amount unpaid which would have been payable
to said parties shall be paid in the following order :
first, to the widow of said party, if there be one ;
second, if. he leave no widow, then to his children
1867, c 371.
How bounty to
be paid when
party entitled