1665, c. 33 enacts the following :
1865, c 33, s. 3.
Reports of
bounty com-
18. The said board created by this act, shall make
reports once in every three weeks to the comptroller
of the treasury, of the amounts disbursed by 'them
respectively under this act, 'and the persons to whom
such disbursements shall have been made ; and shall
continue to make such reports until the quotas of
each county and the city of Baltimore shall have
been filled ; and they shall make their first reports
within three weeks after the first payment shall have
been made by them under this act ; and in addition
to the compensation heretofore provided for, the said
boards shall be allowed for stationery and incidental
expenses, including rent of a room, a sum not exceed-
ing fifty dollars for each board in the respective coun-
ties, and one hundred and fifty dollars for the board
of the city of Baltimore.
1867, c. 156 repeals 1865, c. 33, ss. 4 and 5.
1865, c. 33 further enacts as follows :
1865, c. 33, s 6.
No more certi-
cates to be
issued under
1864, c. 15.
19. No further certificates of indebtedness under
the act of eighteen hundred and sixty -four, chapter
fifteen, shall be issued, and whatever bounties or
arrearages of bounty still remain to be paid, under
the provisions of that act, shall be paid out of the
proceeds of the loan hereby authorized. -
Ibid. s. 7
Additional $200
20. The mayor and city council of the city of Bal-
timore, and the county commissioners of the several
counties, are hereby authorized to raise by loan or
otherwise, such sum or sums as may be necessary to
pay to each volunteer or drafted man, or person fur-
nishing a representative substitute, or his authorized
agent or attorney, the sum of two hundred dollars,
in addition to the state bounty, as provided for in
the previous sections of this act, for the purpose of
filling the quota of the several counties and of the