legislative districts of the city of Baltimore, to be
called the " Maryland state bounty commissioners,"
for the said counties and city respectively, and the
said boards upon giving bond with security to the
amount of twenty thousand dollars, by each member
of said board, to be approved by the governor, shall
have the right to draw from time to lime upon the
comptroller of the treasury for such sums as shall be
required to pay the bounty herein, authorized, to the
men or their authorized agents or attorneys, who are
credited to the sub-district, within which said bounty
commissioners are situated ; the draft of said bounty
commissioners to be affixed to a roll, bearing upon it
the names of the persons to whom said bounty is to
be paid, and of the sub-districts to which they are
credited as aforesaid, with a certificate thereon en-
dorsed from the assistant provost marshal general of
the state, declaring that the men thereon enrolled
have been so credited to the quota of said sub-dis-
trict, the said roll so certified, and with the draft of
the bounty commissioners thereon, shall be retained
by the comptroller, and he upon its receipt shall issue
the usual warrant to the treasurer for the payment of
the amount of said draft, and each of said commis-
sioners appointed under this section shall receive a
compensation of three hundred dollars ($300) for the
performance of the duties imposed by this act ; and
provided, no appointments shall be made by the gov-
ernor for any county or legislative district of the city
of Baltimore, in case the said county or legislative
district of the city of Baltimore has filled its quota
prior to the said call or any similar call hereafter
17. All bonds issued by the mayor and city coun-
cil of Baltimore, and the county commissioners of
each county, as required by the said original act,
shall be exempt from all state, city or county taxa-
1865, c. 106 in force from March 14, 1865.
1865, c. 106, s. 1.
Bonds of
mayor, etc,
Balt exempt
from taxation.