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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Sessions of 1861, 1861-62, 1864, 1865, 1866, and 1867
Volume 384, Page 318   View pdf image (33K)
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106 License for huckstering.
107, Coat of same
108. Penalty for violation.

109. Selection of jurors.
110. When to be summoned


"" 107 Governor to appoint superintendent
his duties and compensation commission-
ers to supervise, &c
100 Superintendents' bond.
111. Salaries of toll gatherers.

112 Incorporated.
113 Limits of town.
111. Election of commissioners and bur-
115 Vacancies, how filled.
116 Failure to elect, no forfeiture
117 Power to levy and collect taxes to
make assessment
118. Appeal from assessment.
119. To pass ordinances, impose fines, &c,
120. Taxes, fines, Ac., how collected.
121. By-laws, Ac.
122. Paving footways.
123 Dogs taxed.
124 Burgess to be treasurer, to give bond.
125. Elections.

126. How burgess and other officers to
127. When burgess and commissioners to
meet, &c appointment of clerk,
128 Clerks' duties.
129 Collector
130 His bond.
131 To act as constable . powers.


132 Superintendents of repairs, &c.
133 Orphans' court to appoint.
134 Duty of county commissioners.
135 Superintendents to give bond
136. To render their accounts under oath.


142. Appointment of school commission-
140. Treasurer his bond and duties.
149. District managers their duties.
161. Boards of examiners . their duties.
152. School tax to be levied.
153. Collector to keep separate account of
school tax.
154 Payments quarterly to school com-

188 Allowance for killing wolves, &c.

191. Mileage.



1864, c. 84 amends and re-enacts section 9 as follows:

1864, c 81.

SEC. 9. There shall be three regular common law
terms of the circuit court for Allegany county, com-
mencing at Cumberland on the first Monday in Janu-
ary, second Monday in April and the first Monday
in October in each year.

In force from June 1, 1864. See 1867, c. 18 under Jurors in this Article.


1864, c. 164 which amended and re-enacted section 15 relating to pay and mileage
of Commissioners is repealed by 1866, c. 134. See the act of 1866, c. 131 under Pub-
lic General Laws, Art. XXVIII, County Commissioners. It repeals all the sections
of the Public Local Laws, relating to the pay and mileage of County Commission-
ers. 1866, c. 72 authorizes the County Commissioners of Allegany county to sub-
scribe to the Capital Stock of the Western Maryland Railroad Company or endorse


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Sessions of 1861, 1861-62, 1864, 1865, 1866, and 1867
Volume 384, Page 318   View pdf image (33K)
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