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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Sessions of 1861, 1861-62, 1864, 1865, 1866, and 1867
Volume 384, Page 319   View pdf image (33K)
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the bonds thereof, to an amount not exceeding $500,000 at the par value of the
shares, and for the purpose of meeting said subscription the said Commissioners are
authorized to issue bonds, payable within fifteen years, and the said bonds to be re-
ceived at par value by the Railroad Company in payment of stock subscribed for,
when said Commissioners are satisfied that the Railroad will be completed to Cumber-
land, and the Commissioners are further authorized to levy to pay the annual interest
on their bonds and to create a sinking fund. 1867, c. 138 authorizes the County Com-
missioners of Allegany county to levy for $2,250 for the Clerk of the Circuit Court to
pay for dockets, and said Commissioners are further authorized to levy in future in
the annual levy for said Clerk the sum of $50 for each docket furnished by him.


1864, c. 121 repeals sections 23, 31, 32, 33, 35, 53 and 54 and enacts the following

in their stead:

23. The survey made under the authority of the
mayor and city councilmen of the town of Cumber-
land, and entered upon the record of their proceed-
ings and recorded in the office of the clerk of the cir-
cuit court for Allegany county, shall constitute the

1864, c 121, s 1
Bounds and

bounds and limits of said city; provided, however,
that for all sanitary and police purpose the mayor
and councilman of said city shall have and exercise
full authority and control for one-half mile in every
direction beyond the bounds and limits above men-


31. The mayor and councilman may provide, by
ordinance, for the appointment of a clerk and such
other officers as to them may seem fit for the proper
execution and performance of the powers and duties
conferred on them by the laws of the state, and their
act of incorporation.

Ibid s 2
of clerk and
other officers.

32. The mayor shall be allowed salary, not exceed-
ing two hundred dollars, the councilman shall be
allowed a per diem not exceding two dollars per day
for each day of service, but the total per diem of any
councilman shall not exceed forty dollars per annum,
and the salaries of all other officers appointed by said
mayor and councilmen shall be fixed by ordinance
at such reasonable and economical rates as to them
may seem just and proper.

Ibid s 3.
Salary of
mayor, council-
men, &c.


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Sessions of 1861, 1861-62, 1864, 1865, 1866, and 1867
Volume 384, Page 319   View pdf image (33K)
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