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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Sessions of 1861, 1861-62, 1864, 1865, 1866, and 1867
Volume 384, Page 317   View pdf image (33K)
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Allegany County.

0. Terms of.


23. Bounds and limits.
31 Appointment of clerk and other offi-
32 Salary of mayor, councilmen, Ac.
33. Power to pass ordinances, defined.
31 To issue water bonds and levy tax.
35. Appointment of commissioners to In-
troduce water into city.
3G. Authorized to purchase real estate,
&c, for such purpose.
117 In what cases, jury to value land.
38 Power of sheriff in summoning jury.
39, Oath to jurors
40. Jury to summon witnesses.
41 Inquisition.
42 Inquisition to be confirmed and re-
43. If set aside.
44 Inquisition to fissure title to city.
45. Penalty for polluting city water.
4(1. For Injuring water works, &e
47. Against non-water renters.
48. Mayor and councilmen to pass ordi-
nances for introducing water, &c
49. Mayor, &c , authorized to build bridge
Across Potomac, &c.
60 To purchase land for abutments, &c.
51 To issue bonds to levy tax to pay in-
62. To erect toll house and collect toll,
53. County commissioners to levy tax to
aid In building bridge, &c.

57 When they may be killed, Ac.

62. Place of holding, in tenth district.


71. Protected m streams, west of Savage
Mountain penalty.

12 Incorporated
73. Limits of town.
74 Election of mayor.
75. Of councilman
76. Election in cases of vacancy notice.
77 Oath of mayor and councilmen.
78 Meetings of council.
79 Clerk
80 Town bailiff.
SI. Compensation of clerk and bailiff.
82. Powers of mayor and councilmen for
what licensee required
83 Assessment of property and tax. right
of appeal
84. Alphabetical levy list
67 Bailiff may collect by distress.
89 To account penalty.
90 Grading and paving streets, &c,
91 Fines, how recovered.
92 Driving carnage, &c , over pavement
93 Laying oat, opening and extending
streets, &c.
94 Incorporated.
95. Election of commissioners
96 How judges of first election appointed
and how election conducted.
97. Future elections
98 President of board.
99 How vacancies filled.
100 Clerk to board.
101 Fines and forfeitures.
102. Limits of town
103. Powers to make laws and to tax.
104. Town bailiff.
105 Corporation not to issue notes, &c., as
a currency.



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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Sessions of 1861, 1861-62, 1864, 1865, 1866, and 1867
Volume 384, Page 317   View pdf image (33K)
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