five delegates; Frederick county, seven delegates;
Harford county, five delegates; Caroline county,
four delegates ; Baltimore city) twenty-one . dele-
gates; Montgomery county, four delegates; Alle-
gany county, six delegates; Carroll county, six
delegates; Howard county, four delegates; Anne
Arundel county, four delegates; Washington coun-
ty, six delegates ; and it is hereby provided that the
sheriffs of the several counties and the sheriff of
Baltimore city, shall give notice of the day above
designated for holding said election for a call of a
convention, and for members thereof, in the same
manner and for the same time as required for notice
of the election of members of the general assembly.
Duty of judges
of election and
clerks of courts
8. It shall be the duty of the several judges of
election of this state to receive, accurately count,
and duly return, the number of ballots so cast, to
the several clerks of the circuit courts of this state,
and to the clerk of the superior court of Baltimore
city, as the same are now required to be returned
for the election of members to the house of dele-
gates; and the several clerks aforesaid shall return
to the governor, within ten days after said election,
the number of ballots cast for and against the call of
a convention, and the number of blank ballots, and
the number of ballots cast for the several persons
voted for as delegates to the said convention.
Duty of the
4. As soon as the governor shall receive the re-
turn of the number of ballots cast at the said elec-
tion for and against a convention, and of the blank
ballots cast, and of the ballots cast for delegates to
said convention, it shall be the duty of the governor
to count and cast up the same ; and thereupon, if it
appear to the governor that more votes have been
cast in favor of the call of a convention than have
been cast against the call of a convention, it shall be
the duty of the governor to issue his proclamation
declaring the persons having the majority in the
several counties and in the city of Baltimore, respec-
tively, to be elected to said convention, and for the