assembling of the members thereof, at the time and
place to be hereinafter appointed.
5. Before any member elect or officer of said con-
vention shall enter upon his duties, he shall take the
oath, to discharge said duties, in the form prescribed
by law for members of the house of delegates of this
state, mutatis mutandis, except the speaker or presi-
dent elect of said convention, who shall take the
same oath, in the presence of said convention, before
some judge or justice of the peace of this state.
Oath of office.
6. la case a majority of the ballots cast for and
against a convention shall be in favor of the call of
a convention, then the said convention shall meet at
the city of Annapolis on the second Wednesday of
May, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and shall
continue in session from day to day until the duties
for which the said convention was called shall be
fully discharged and a new constitution and form
of government completely framed, and the said con-
vention shall have full power to decide upon the
validity of the election and upon the requisite quali-
fications of its members; and the compensation of
the members shall be mileage and five dollars per
day ; and the said convention shall have full power
to appoint such clerks and other officers as may be
deemed necessary to facilitate the transaction of the
business of the convention, and to determine the
compensation of the president and other officers;
and the president of said convention is hereby au-
thorized to order the payment of the compensation
above provided for the members and officers thereof,
and the treasurer required to pay said compensation
in conformity with said order.
Powers of con-
7. If any vacancy or vacancies occur by death,
resignation, or otherwise, in any delegation herein-
before provided for, either before or after the quali-
fication of the delegates to the said convention, the
sheriff of the county or the sheriff of the city of Bal-
timore, in whose delegation such vacancy may occur,
shall upon information thereof by the delegation in
Vacancies in