Convention Arts.
NOTE —The Act of 1804, c 5 which provided for the taking of the sense of the people upon
the call of a Convention to frame a New Constitution and Form of Government, &c., is con-
strued in Miles v Bradford, Governor, 22 Md. 170.
1867, c. 327, an Act to provide for taking the sense of the people of this State on the
call of a Convention to frame a New Constitution and Form of Government, and
for assembling the members thereof.
SEC. 1. On the second Wednesday of April next,
at the same places where county and city elections
are now by law held for the election of delegates to
the general assembly, every person entitled to vote
for delegates to the general assembly shall vote on
the question of a call of a convention to frame a new
constitution and form of government, with a clause
therein prohibiting the legislature from making any
law providing for payment by this state for persons
heretofore held as slaves, by expressing in writing
or by printed form the words "for a convention" or
" against a convention" as the case may be ; and in
case there shall be any ballots without the designa-
tion so prescribed, the same shall not be counted for
or against a convention, but a separate return there-
of shall be made by the judges of election.
2. At the said election the registered voters of the
state shall elect by ballot delegates to the said con-
vention, whose qualifications shall be the same as
those now required for members of the house of
delegates, and each county and the city of 'Baltimore
shall be entitled to elect respectively the number
of delegates to said convention herein provided,
namely: St. Mary's county, three delegates; Kent
county, four delegates; Calvert county, three dele-
gates; Charles county, three delegates; Baltimore
county, seven delegates; Talbot county, four dele-
gates; Somerset county, five delegates; Dorchester
county, four delegates; Cecil county, five delegates;
Prince George's county, four delegates; Queen
Anne's county, four delegates; Worcester county,
Vote on the call
for a conven-