310 WILD FOWL. [ART. 98.
sons who shall refuse or neglect to obey his orders,
given in the execution of his said powers, shall pay
and forfeit to this state the same fine that in the like
case a person who should refuse or neglect to obey
the orders of any harbor master within the said city,
would by virtue of the ordinances of the city of Bal-
timore, pay and forfeit to the said city. He shall
also be vested with the same powers in regard to the
collection of wharfage and of fines and penalties as
any harbor master within the said city.
In force from Jane 1,1865.
Wild fowl.
13. When shooting, &c., partridges, woodcocks and pheasants unlawful. 15. Penalty.
1862, c. 43, amends and re-enacts sections 13 and 15 of this article as follows:
1862, c. 43.
When shoot-
ing, &c., par-
triages, wood-
cocks and phea-
sants unlawful.
SEC. 13. No person shall trap, shoot, or. in any
manner, catch or kill any partridges, between the
fifteenth day of January and the twentieth of Octo-
ber, nor any woodcock, between the first day of
February and the tenth day of June, nor any pheas-
ants, between the first day of February and the
twelfth day of August in each year.
15. Any person violating either of the preceding
sections, shall pay a fine of five dollars, to be re-
covered before a justice of the peace of the county
where the offence was committed, which fine shall
be paid to the county commissioners for the county
in which the case shall be tried, for the use of the
common school fund.
In force from January 25, 1862.