constitution thereof, and that I will bear true alle-
giance to the United States, and that I will support,
protect and defend the constitution, laws and gov-
ernment thereof as the supreme law of the land; any
law or ordinance of this or any state to the contrary
In force from March 19,1867.
1862, c. 179 repeals section 16 and enacts the following substitute:
1802, c. 179.
16. No register of wills or, deputy register, clerk
of any court, or deputy clerk, shall practice as an
attorney at law in any of the courts of this state, for
any person or persons.
In force from June 1, 1862.
1862, c. 177 amends section 18 as follows :
1862, c. 177.
Duties of
state's attor-
18. The state's attorney for each county shall, in
such county, prosecute and defend on the part of the
state all cases in which the state may be interested ;
and whenever in any case which he shall so prose-
cute founded on an indictment or presentment found
in any county or the city of Baltimore, an appeal
shall be taken by either party to the court of
appeals, it shall also be the duty of said state's
attorney to prosecute or defend, as the case may
be, said appeal in the court of appeals, for which
service he shall be entitled to such compensation as
may be allowed by the county commissioners of the
county where said presentment or indictment was
found, or by the criminal court of Baltimore where
indictment was found in said city, to be levied, col-
lected and paid as other costs now are in such cases ; '
and in no such case shall counsel fees be paid by the
state, unless to counsel specially retained by the gov-
In force from March 2, 1862.