ART. 12.] BANKS. 25
19. Issue of notes.
20. How formed from state banks.
21. Owners of three-fourths of capital
stock to decide.
22 Notice to be given by publication.
23 Property to vest in national bank.
24. Plates and dies to be destroyed.
1864, c. 13 repeals sections 3,4,5,6,8,9 and 19 of this article, and enacts as follows:
SEC. 19. The several banks of this state now hav-
ing authority to issue notes, are hereby authorized
and empowered to issue twenty per cent, of their
capital stock actually paid in, in notes of a less
denomination than five dollars, bat no note shall
be issued of a less denomination than one dollar;
and nothing herein shall be construed to enlarge the
total amount of the notes to be issued by any bank,
beyond what is now allowed by law.
In force from June 1, 1864.
1304, c. 13.
Issue of notes.
NOTE.—The acts of 1801, o. 6, 1862, c. 178 and 1864, c 3, suspending specie payments by
banks, expired by limitation on March 11,1866. The act of 1861, c 11, which amended sec-
tion 10, was repealed by 1862, c. 138, which act in continued in force by above act of 1864,
e 13.
1865 c. 144 enacts the following:
20. Any bank, savings institution or savings bank,
incorporated under the laws of this state, may become
an association for the purpose of banking under the
laws of the United States ; provided, it shall first com-
ply with all the requirements of the act of the first
session of the thirty-eighth congress of the United
States, entitled "An act to provide a national cur-
rency secured by a pledge of the United States
bonds, and to provide for the circulation and
redemption thereof."
1863, c 141,8.1.
National banks .
How formed
from state