1867, c. 418 adds the following section to this article :
11. The plaintiff may have more than one attach-
ment or writ of attachment, to be laid in the hands
of different persons or levied on other property or
effects than that taken under the first, though the
first be still outstanding ; provided, that but one sat-
isfaction of the debt or demand shall be made, and
that it shall be in the discretion of the court in all
such cases, whether any costs, or if any, what amount
of costs shall be allowed on the subsequent attach-
ment or attachments.
1867, C. 418.
How many
may be laid or
In force from March 22,1867. See 1862, c. 262, under Public General Laws,
Art XXIX, Courts.
NOTE—1865, c 5 repeals sections 32 and 33 of this article, relating to issuing attachments
or executions to another county. See 1865, e. 6, under Public General Laws, Art. XVIII,
Clerks of Court.
Attorneys at Law.
10. Oath.
16. Non-practitioners.
18. Duties of state's attor-
ney, and compensation.
1867, c. 126 repeals 1865, c. 114 which was substituted for section 10, and enacts the
following in lieu thereof:
SEC. 10. Every attorney or other practitioner at
law 'shall in open court take and subscribe the
following oath or affirmation, I do solemnly swear
(or affirm) that I will at all times demean myself
fairly and honorably as an attorney and practi-
tioner at law, that I will bear true allegiance to
the state of Maryland, and support the laws and
1807, c. 126.