1861, c. 77 adds the following:
1861, c 77, S. 1.
Attachments in
cases of illegal
arrest, etc.
8. In all actions for illegal arrest, false imprison-
ment, or violation of the twenty-first, twenty-third,
twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth articles of the decla-
ration of rights, or any of them, or of the existing
or any future provisions of the code touching the
writ of habeas corpus, or proceedings thereunder, the
plaintiff shall be entitled to the benefit of all of the
provisions of this article, in regard to attachments
against the lands, tenements, goods, chattels and
credits of non-resident or absconding defendants.
Ibid. B 2.
9... No warrant from a judge or justice of the
peace shall be necessary in order to entitle the plain-
tiff, in any of the cases provided for in the preceding
section, to the benefit of the remedy therein granted;
but attachment on the amount of damages claimed
in the declaration shall be issued upon the written
order of the plaintiff or his attorney, by the clerk of
the court in which the action shall be instituted,
upon the filing of the declaration, with an affidavit
by the plaintiff, or his attorney or some other per-
son, that the said action hath been instituted bona
fide, and for a wrong actually done, as in said decla-
ration set forth. ,
Ibid. s. 3
Construction of
this law.
10. This act shall be liberally construed as a
remedial act, and the provisions of this article, and
of all other articles of the code applicable to the
premises, shall be applied in furtherance of the
remedy and without hindrance for defect of form
merely; provided, however, that no final judgment
shall be rendered in any case herein provided for,
except upon inquisition found by a jury, upon proof
as in cases of judgment b j default in like actions.
In force from June 24, 1861.