20 BANKS. [ART. 12.
him or her, and every stockholder who shall be absent from said
meeting may vote by proxy, and every executor, administrator,
guardian, or trustee holding stock in said bank, savings institu-
tion or savings bank, may vote in person or by proxy, without
incurring any responsibility by such vote, and the Treasurer of
Maryland is hereby authorized and directed to represent and
vote the stock held by the State in any of the banks, savings
institution or savings bank of this State, and if, on casting up
the vote at the said meeting, it shall appear that the owners of
two-thirds of the capital stock of said bank, savings institution
or savings bank, are in favor of converting the said bank,
savings institution, or savings bank into an association for the
purpose of banking under the laws of the United States, the
directors of said bank, savings institution or savings bank, or a
majority of them, may execute the organization certificate, and
such other papers as shall be necessary, and may perform all
acts required by law for enabling the said bank, savings insti-
tution or savings bank to become such association.
3. Whenever any bank, savings institution or savings bank
in this State, shall present to the clerk of the Court of Appeals
of Maryland, a certificate from the Comptroller of the Currency,
setting forth under his hand and official seal, that the bank,
"savings institution or savings bank has become an association"
for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States,
the said clerk shall record such certificate, and shall send an
authenticated copy thereof to the Governor of the State, who, on
receiving the same shall give notice for at least three weeks in
some newspaper printed in the city or county where said bank,
savings institution or savings bank is located, that said bank,
savings institution, or savings bank has been converted into
such association, and that its charter as granted by the General
Assembly of Maryland, has been surrendered, and thereupon all
its corporate powers shall cease; provided, nevertheless, that said
bank, savings institution, or savings bank may continue to use
its corporate name for the purpose of prosecuting and defending
suits instituted by or against it, and of enabling it to close its
affairs, bat not for the purpose of continuing under the laws of
this State, the business for which it was established, and no