ART. 12. ] BANKS. 21
bank, savings institution or savings bank thus converted into a
banking association under the laws of the United States, shall
re issue for circulation any of the notes issued by it during its
existence under the laws of the State, for more than one year
after its charter has been surrendered; provided, that the exist-
ing laws of the State providing for taxes on the State banks for
the purposes enumerated therein, shall extend and apply to all
State banks and other institutions availing themselves of the
provisions of this act, when they shall have become, banking
associations under the act of Congress, and all sums required by
the charters of said institutions and banks to be paid to the
State, shall continue as heretofore to be paid.
4. Whenever any bank, savings institution or savings bank
in this State shall have surrendered its charter, and become an
association for the purpose of banking under the laws of the
United States, all its assets, real and personal, without other
transfer, shall vest in and become the property of such associa-
tion, and said association shall be responsible for all the debts
and liabilities of said bank, savings institution or savings bank,
incurred prior to the surrender of its charter.
5. Whenever the charter of any bank, savings institution, or
savings bank in the State has been surrendered, as hereinbefore
provided for, the members of the board of directors, last in
office, shall forthwith deliver up all the plates and dies of said
bank, savings institution or savings bank, to the Superior Court
of Baltimore city, when said bank, savings institution or savings
bank is located in the city, or to the Circuit Court for the county
in which said bank, savings institution; or savings bank may bo
located, and the judge of each of said courts shall cause the said
plates and dies to be destroyed in his presence, and also in the
presence of the president or cashier of said bank, savings insti-
tution or savings bank, and the members of board of directors,
who wilfully refuse or neglect so to do, shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be severally punished
by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.
la force from March 24, 1865,