ART. 12. ] BANKS. 19
object such dissolution or destruction, and I make this oath (or
affirmation) without any reservation or purpose of evasion, so
help me God. " No person shall be admitted to practice as an
attorney or solicitor in any court of this State, and no person, if
heretofore admitted to practice as such attorney or solicitor in
any of said courts, shall be allowed to continue so to do until he
shall have taken and subscribed said oath or affirmation in open
court; provided, however, that any person who, under this section
and the laws of this State, shall become entitled to practice law
in the Court of Appeals of this State, shall be entitled to practice
law in any and all of the subordinate courts.
In force from April 1, 1865.
Chapter 144 enacts the following:
SEC. 1. Any bank, savings institution or savings bank incor-
porated under the laws of this State, may become an association
for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States;
provided, it shall first comply with all the requirements of the
act of the first session of the thirty-eighth Congress of the United
States, entitled "An Act to provide a national currency secured
by a pledge of the United States bonds, and to provide for the
circulation and redemption thereof. "
2. Before any bank, savings institution or savings bank of
this State, shall avail itself of the provisions of this act, and of
the aforesaid act of Congress, its stockholders, by and with the
written advice and consent of the owners of three-fourths of the
capital stock of said bank, savings institution or savings bank,
"or at a special meeting" called for the purpose, shall decide
whether the said bank, savings institution or savings bank shall
or shall not become an association for the purpose of banking
under the laws of the United States, and at said meeting every
stockholder may cast one vote for each share of stock held by