decisions on matters of law, made by the courts of Baltimore
city, in relation to the streets in said city, shall stand for hearing
at the first term after the transmission of the record.
In force from March 24, 1865.
Chapter 5 repeals sections 32, 33, of this Article.
Passed January 30, 1865. See ch. 5 under Art. XVIII.
Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in fact.
Chapter 114 repeals section 10, and enacts the following as a substitute therefor:
Sec. 1. Every attorney or other practitioner of law, shall in
open court, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation:
" I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be, ) that I will
at all times demean myself fairly and honorably as an attorney
and practitioner of law, that I will bear true allegiance to the
State of Maryland, and support the constitution and laws thereof,
and that I will bear true allegiance to the United States, and
support, protect, and defend the constitution, laws and govern-
ment thereof as the supreme law of the land, any law or ordi-
nance of this or any State to the contrary notwithstanding; and
I do further swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my
abilities protect and defend the Union of the United States, and
not allow the same to be broken up and dissolved, or the Gov-
ernment thereof, to be destroyed under any circumstances, if in
my power to prevent it; and that I will, at all times, discoun-
tenance and oppose all political combinations having for their