Supplement to the Maryland Code.
Chapter 91 amends section 6, as follows:
SEC. 1. Any person interested may appeal from the decision
of the court on any question arising under the insolvent law;
provided, such appeal be entered within thirty clays, and a certi-
fied copy of the record be transmitted to the Court of Appeals,
within sixty days from the date of the decision appealed from;
and provided also, that the execution or effect of any judgment,
decree, decision or order so appealed from, shall not be sus-
pended or staid, unless a bond shall be given in such penalty
and condition, and with such security as the court may pre-
scribe and approve.
Passed March 23, 1865. See ch. 91 under Art XLVIII.
Chapter 141 amends section 10, as follows:
2. All appeals in cases of mandamus or questions arising
under the insolvent laws, or exceptions taken on the trials of
issues sent from the Orphans' Courts or Courts of Equity, orders
granting injunctions, dissolving or refusing to dissolve the
same, appointing a receiver, ratifying or refusing to ratify a
trustee sale, and all appeals from decisions of the Orphans'
Court, and from any judgment or motions to set aside sales or
apply money in the hands of the sheriff, and all appeals from
2 SUP. III. 17