the second on the fourth Monday of July, and the third on the
second Monday of November in each year; and to March and
November terms only shall there be juries summoned and re-
2. No trial of facts by jury shall take place at the July term
of said court, but all civil process issuing out of said court shall
be returned thereto at the said July term as to other regular
terms; and the judge of said court shall open and hold said July
term for the rendition of judgments in undisputed cases, and
for receiving motions and making rules and orders, and hearing
demurrers and all questions of law or other matters, or ques-
tions that may be tried without jury.
3. The clerk of the said Circuit Court, upon the close of the
March term, shall make up but one trial docket of civil causes
to the ensuing July and November terms, and not separate trial
dockets to each of said terms, and to which said trial docket
shall be transferred such cases from the appearance docket of
the July term as may properly belong to the trial docket of the
ensuing November term of said court; and there shall be no
criminal dockets made up to said July term, nor any criminal
process issued or made returnable thereto, but to the March and
Novembers' only.
4. There shall be annually six regular equity or chancery terms
of said Circuit Court, the first of which, shall commence on the
first Monday of February, the second on the first Monday of
March, (that being also the commencement of the common law
March term of said court,) the third on the first Monday of June,
the fourth on the fourth Monday of July, (that also being the
commencement of the common law July term of said court,) the
fifth on the first Monday of October, and the sixth on the second
Monday of November, (that being also the commencement of
the common law November term of said court,) and to which
said equity or chancery terms of said court all equity process
shall be made returnable respectively; and the said Circuit
Court, as a court of equity, shall be considered as always open
for the transaction of business therein.
Passed February 16, 1S64.