2. The provisions of said act contained in sections one hun-
dred and sixty-five, one hundred and sixty-seven, one hundred
and sixty-eight, one hundred and sixty-nine, one hundred and
seventy, one hundred and seventy-one, one hundred and seventy-
two, one hundred and seventy-three and one hundred and
seventy-four, are hereby extended to the citizens of Salisbury
town; provided, they shall hold an election for commissioners of
said town, as therein provided, on the first Monday of April, in
the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and on every first
Monday of April thereafter.
3. The free white inhabitants of the town of Salisbury, above
the age of twenty-one years, who have resided therein for six
months next preceding the election, and twelve months in the
State, shall, on the first Monday of April, annually, elect five
persons who have resided in said town twelve months previous
to the election, and who at the time are conducting some busi-
ness, or have a family therein, commissioners for said town for
the ensuing year.
4. Said commissioners, when elected, shall have the power to
appoint a bailiff for said town for the period of one year, who
shall, within the said county and town, have all the powers and
perform all the duties of a constable.
5. The bailiff before entering upon the duties of his office,
shall make oath before a justice of the peace of Somerset county,
that he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of
bailiff and constable within said town and county, according to
the best of his skill and judgment;' and shall also give bond in
the same penalty, and to be in all respects liable as the consta-
ble's bond of said county, with good and sufficient securities, to
be approved by the county commissioners of Somerset county,
conditioned, that lie will faithfully execute the said office in all
things appertaining thereto, and shall well and truly account
for all money and other liabilities placed in his hands for collec-
tiou, and shall well and truly pay all sums of money received
by him.
In force from March 10,1864.