(House Bill 271)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 1 of Article 11A of the
Constitution of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Local Legislation,"
extending the time during which a charter board under the home
rule provisions for counties may prepare a charter or form of
government, and correcting errors therein, and providing for the
submission of this amendment to the qualified voters of the State
for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
(Three-fifths of all the Members elected to each of the two Houses
concurring), That the following section be and the same is hereby
proposed as an amendment to Section 1 of Article 11A of the Con-
stitution of Maryland, title "Local Legislation," the same, if adopted
by the legally qualified voters of the State, as herein provided, to
become a part of the Constitution of Maryland:
On demand of the Mayor of Baltimore and City Council of the
City of Baltimore, or on petition bearing the signatures of not less
than 20% of the registered voters of said City or any County (Pro-
vided, however, that in any case 10,000 signatures shall be sufficient
to complete a petition), the Board of Election Supervisors of said City
or County shall provide at the next general or congressional election,
occurring after such demand or the filing of such petition, for the
election of a charter board of eleven registered voters of said City
or five registered voters in any such Counties. Nominations for
members for said charter board may be made not less than forty days
prior to said election by the Mayor of Baltimore and City Council of
the City of Baltimore or the County Commissioners of such County,
or not less than twenty days prior to said election by petition bearing
the signatures written in their own handwriting (and not by their
mark) of not less than 5% of the registered voters of the said City of
Baltimore or said County; provided, that in any case Two thousand
signatures of registered voters shall be sufficient to complete any
such nominating petition, and if not more than eleven registered
voters of the City of Baltimore or not more than five registered voters
in any such County are so nominated their names shall not be printed
on the ballot, but said eleven registered voters in the City of Baltimore
or five in such County shall constitute said charter board from and
after the date of said election. At said election the ballot shall contain
the names of said nominees in alphabetical order without any indica-
tion of the source of their nomination, and shall also be so arranged
as to permit the voter to vote for or against the creation of said
charter board, but the vote cast against said creation shall not be held
to bar the voter from expressing his choice among the nominees for
said board, and if the majority of the votes cast for and against the
creation of said charter board shall be against said creation the
election of the members of said charter board shall be void; but if
such majority shall be in favor of the creation of said charter board,
then and in that event the eleven nominees of the City of Baltimore
or five nominees in the County receiving the largest number of votes
shall constitute the charter board, and said charter board, or a major-