(Senate Bill 7)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 38 of Article III of
the Constitution of Maryland, title "Legislative Department",
amending the provision concerning imprisonment for debt in order
to provide that a valid decree of a court of competent jurisdiction
or agreement approved by decree of said court for the support
of an illegitimate child or children shall not constitute a debt
within the meaning of this section; and providing for the sub-
mission of this amendment to the qualified voters of the State
of Maryland for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
(three-fifths of all the members of each of the two houses con-
curring), That the following amendment be and the same is hereby
proposed to Section 38 of Article III of the Constitution of the State
. of Maryland, the same, if adopted by the legal and qualified voters
of the State, as herewith provided, to become Section 38 of Article
III of the Constitution of the State of Maryland.
38. Imprisonment for Debt.
No person shall be imprisoned for debt, but a valid decree of a
court of competent jurisdiction or agreement approved by decree
of said court for the support of a wife or dependent children, or
for the support of an illegitimate child or children, or for alimony,
shall not constitute a debt within the meaning of this section.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the foregoing amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Maryland shall, at the election
to be held in November, 1962, be submitted to the legal and qualified
voters of the State for their adoption or rejection, in pursuance of
the directions contained in Article 14 of the Constitution of the State
of Maryland, and at the same general election the vote on the said
proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon
each ballot there shall be printed the words: "For Constitutional
Amendment" and "Against Constitutional Amendment", as now
provided by law, and immediately after said election due returns
shall be made to the Governor of the vote for and against the pro-
posed amendment, as directed by said Fourteenth Article of the
Constitution, and further proceedings had in accordance with said
Article 14.
Approved April 6, 1962.