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adoption or rejection, in pursuance of the directions contained in
Article 14 of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, and at the
same general election the vote on the said proposed amendment to
the Constitution shall be by ballot, upon each ballot there shall be
printed the words: "For Constitutional Amendment" and "Against
Constitutional Amendment", as now provided by law, and imme-
diately after said election due returns shall be made to the Governor
of the vote for and against proposed amendment, as directed by
said Fourteenth Article of the Constitution, and further proceedings
had in accordance with said Article 14.
Approved March 23, 1960.
(House Bill 86)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Article 43 of the Declaration
of Rights of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, granting
authorization to the General Assembly to provide that land ac-
tively devoted to farm or agricultural use shall be assessed on the
basis of such use and shall not be assessed as if sub-divided
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
(three-fifths of all the members of each of the two Houses con-
curring) , That the following amendment be and the same is hereby
proposed to Article 43 of the Declaration of Rights of the Constitu-
tion of the State of Maryland, the same, if adopted by the legal and
qualified voters of the State, as herewith provided, to become Arti-
cle 43 of the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution of the State
of Maryland.
Article 43. That the Legislature ought to encourage the dif-
fusion of knowledge and virtue, the extension of a judicious system
of general education, the promotion of literature, the arts, sciences,
agriculture, commerce and manufactures, and the general meliora-
tion of the condition of the People. The Legislature may provide
that land actively devoted to farm or agricultural use shall be assessed
on the basis of such use and shall not be assessed as if sub-divided,
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the aforegoing amend-
ment to the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution of the State
of Maryland shall, at the election to be held in November, 1960, be
submitted to the legal and qualified voters of the State for their
adoption or rejection, in pursuance of the directions contained in