the Legislature, shall be void; except always, any sale,
.gift, lease or devise of any quantity of land, not exceeding
five acres, for a church, meeting-house, or other house of
worship, or parsonage, or for a burying ground, which
shall be improved, enjoyed or used only for such purpose;
or such sale, gift, lease or devise shall be void. Provided,
however, that except in so far as the General Assembly
shall hereafter by law otherwise enact, the consent of the
Legislature shall not be required to any gift, grant, deed,
or conveyance executed after the 2nd day of November,
1948, or to any devise or bequest contained in the will of any
person dying after said 2nd day of November, 1948, for any
of the purposes hereinabove in this Article mentioned.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the foregoing
amendment to the Declaration of Rights of the Constitu-
tion of Maryland shall at the general election to be held
on the 2nd day of November, 1948, be submitted to the
legal and qualified voters of the State for their adoption
or rejection, in pursuance of the directions contained in
Article 14 of the Constitution of this State, and at the said
general election the vote on the said proposed amendment
shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be
printed the words: "For Constitutional Amendment" and
the words: "Against Constitutional Amendment", as now
provided by law, and immediately after said election due
returns shall be made to the Governor of the vote f o$ and
against the proposed amendment, as directed by said
Article 14 of the Constitution, and further proceedings had
in accordance with said Article 14.
Approved April 25, 1947.