(3) Within twenty days after the convening of the General
Assembly, in odd-numbered years (except in the case of a
newly elected Governor, and then within thirty days after
his inauguration), unless such time shall be extended by the
General Assembly, and on the first Wednesday in February
in even-numbered years, the Governor shall submit to the
General Assembly a Budget for the next ensuing fiscal year.
Each Budget shall contain a complete plan of proposed ex-
penditures and estimated revenues for said fiscal year and
shall show the estimated surplus or deficit of revenues at the
end of the preceding fiscal year. Accompanying each Budget
shall be a statement showing: (a) the revenues and expendi-
tures for the preceding fiscal year;(b) the current assets, lia-
bilities, reserves and surplus or deficit of the State; (c) the
debts and funds of the State; (d) an estimate of the State's
financial condition as of the beginning and end of the pre-
ceding fiscal year; (e) any explanation the Governor may
desire to make as to the important features of the Budget
and any suggestions as to methods for reduction or increase of
the State's revenue.
(4) Each Budget shall embrace an itemized estimate of
the appropriations, as follows: (a) for the General Assembly
as certified to the Governor in the manner hereinafter pro-
vided; (b) for the Executive Department; (c) for the Judic-
iary Department, as provided by law, certified by the Comp-
troller; (d) to pay and discharge the principal and interest
of the debt of the State in conformity with Section 34 of
Article 3 of the Constitution, and all laws enacted in pursu-
ance thereof; (e) for the salaries payable by the State
under the Constitution and laws of the State; (f) for the
establishment and maintenance throughout the State of a
thorough and efficient system of public schools in conformity
with Article 8 of the Constitution and with the laws of the
State; (g) for such other purposes as are set forth in the
Constitution or laws of the State.
(5) The Governor shall deliver to the presiding officer of
each House the Budget and a bill for all the proposed appro-
priations of the Budget classified and in such deetail as he
shall determine or as may be prescribed by law; and the pre-
siding officer of each House shall promptly cause said bill
to be introduced therein, and such bill shall be known as
the ''Budget Bill". The Governor may, with the consent of the
General Assembly, before final action thereon by the General
Assembly, amend or supplement said Budget to correct an
oversight, provide funds contingent on passage of pending
legislation or, in case of an emergency, by delivering such
an amendment or supplement to the presiding officers of both
Houses; and such amendment or supplement shall thereby