SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, (three fifths of all the members elected to each of the
two Houses concurring), That the following sections be and
they are hereby proposed as an amendment to Article 3 of
the Constitution of Maryland, title "Legislative Department",
amending Sections 14, 15 and 52 of said Article, the same,
if adopted by the qualified voters of the State, as herein pro-
vided, to supersede and stand in the place and stead of Sec-
tions 14, 15 and 52 of Article 3 of the Constitution of Mary-
14. The General Assembly shall meet on the first Wed-
nesday of January, nineteen hundred and forty-nine, and on
the same day in every second year thereafter, and on the first
Wednesday in February, nineteen hundred and fifty, and on
the same day in every second year thereafter, and at no other
time, unless convened by Proclamation of the Governor.
15. The General Assembly may continue its session so
long as in its judgment the public interest may require, for
a period not longer than ninety days in odd years and thirty
days in even years; and on and after January 1, 1949, each
member thereof shall receive a compensation of Eighteen Hun- •
dred Dollars ($1,800.00)) per annum, payable quarterly, with
a deduction of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per diem for each
day of unexcused absence from any session; and he shall also
receive such mileage as may be allowed by law, not exceeding
Twenty Cents per mile; and the presiding officers of each
House shall receive an additional compensation of Two Hun-
dred and Fifty Dollars ($250) per annum. In any of said
thirty-day sessions in even years, the General Assembly shall
consider no bills other than (1) Bills having to do with bud-
getary, revenue and financial matters of the State Government,
(2) legislation dealing with an acute emergency, and (3)
legislation in the general public welfare. When the General
Assembly shall be convened by Proclamation of the Governor,
the session shall not continue longer than thirty days, but
an additional compensation other than mileage and other
allowances provided by law shall be paid members of the
General Assembly for special session.
52. (1) The General Assembly shall not appropriate any
» money out of the Treasury except in accordance with the
provisions of this section.
(2) Every appropriation bill shall be either a Budget Bill,
or a Supplementary Appropriation Bill, as hereinafter pro-