AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 44, Part VII, of
Article IV, title "Sheriffs," of the Constitution of this
State, making the incumbent of the office of Sheriff in the
several Counties of the State eligible for re-election, fixing
the term of office at four years and providing that the sheriff
shall give such bond, exercise such powers and perform such
duties in each of said counties as now or may hereafter be
fixed by law; and to provide for the submission of said
amendment to the qualified voters of this State for adoption
or rejection.
SECTION 1, Be U enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland (three-fifths of all the members of each of the two
houses concurring), That the following be and the same is
hereby proposed as an amendment to Section 44, Part VII,
sub-title "Sheriffs" of Article IV of the Constitution of this
State, the same, if adopted by the legally qualified voters of
the State as herein provided, to become Section 44, Part VII,
of Article IV, sub-title "Sheriffs," of the Constitution of
Section 44. There shall be elected in each County on the
Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November,
1917, and in every fourth year thereafter, on the Tuesday next
after the first Monday in the month of November, 1919, and
in every fourth year thereafter, one person, resident in said
County above the age of twenty-five years and at least five
years...................preceding his election, a citizen of
the State, to the office of Sheriff. He shall hold office for four
years, and until his successor is duly elected and qualified;
bat shall not be eligible for re-election; The Sheriff elected in
each of the counties in November, 1915, shall, however, be
eligible for re-election for the next ensuing term. The Sheriff
shall give such bond, exercise such powers and perform