Second. Each budget shall be divided into two parts,
and the first- part shall be designated "Governmental
Appropriations" and shall embrace an itemized esti-
mate of the appropriations: (1) for the General Assembly
as certified to the Governor in the manner hereinafter pro-
vided; (2) for the Executive Department; (3) for the Judici-
ary Department, as provided by law, certified to the Gov-
ernor by the Comptroller; (4) to pay and discharge the prin-
cipal and interest of the debt of the State of Maryland in con-
formity with Section 34 of Article III of the Constitution, and
all laws enacted in pursuance thereof; (5) for the salaries pay-
able by the State under the Constitution and laws of the State;
(.6) for the establishment and maintenance throughout the
State of a thorough and efficient system of public schools in
conformity with Article VIII of the Constitution and with the
laws of the State; (7) for such other purposes as are set forth
in the Constitution of the State.
Third. The second part shall be designated "General Ap-
propriations, '' and shall include all other estimates of appro-
The Governor shall deliver to the presiding officer of each
house the budgets and a bill for all the proposed appropria-
tions of the budgets clearly itemized and classified; and the
presiding officer of each house shall promptly cause said bill
to be introduced therein, and such bill shall be known as the
"Budget Bill." The Governor may, before final action thereon
by the General Assembly amend or supplement either of said
budgets to correct an oversight or in case of an emergency, with
the consent of the General Assembly by delivering such an
amendment or supplement to the presiding officers of both
houses; and such amendment or supplement shall thereby be-
come a part of said budget bill as an addition to the items of
said bill or as a modification of or a substitute for any item of
said bill such amendment or supplement may affect.
The General Assembly shall not amend the budget bill so as to
affect either the obligations of the State under Section 34 of
Article III of the Constitution, or the provision made by the
laws of the State for the establishment and maintenance of a
system of public schools, or the payment of any salaries required
to be paid by the State of Maryland by the Constitution thereof;
and the General Assembly may amend the bill by increasing
or diminishing the items therein relating to the General
Assembly, and by increasing the items therein relating to