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Amendments to Maryland Constitutions
Volume 380, Page 167   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 52 of Article
III, title Legislative Department, of the Constitution of
this State, regulating the making of appropriations by the
General Assembly of Maryland in regular session, and to
provide for the submission of said amendment to the quali-
fied voters of this State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, (three-fifths of all the members of each of the two
houses concurring) that the following be and the same is
hereby proposed as an amendment to Section 52 of Article III,
title Legislative Department, of the Constitution of this State,
the same, if adopted by the legally qualified voters of the State,
as herein provided, to become Section 52 of Article III of
the Constitution of Maryland.
SEC. 52. The General Assembly shall not appropriate any
money out of the Treasury except in accordance with the fol-
lowing provisions:
Sub-Section A:
Every appropriation bill shall be either a Budget Bill, or a
Supplementary Appropriation Bill, as hereinafter mentioned.
Sub-Section B:
First. Within twenty days after the convening of the Gen-
eral Assembly (except in the case of a newly elected Governor,
and then within thirty days after his inauguration), unless such
time shall be extended by the General Assembly for the session
at which the Budget is to be submitted, the Governor shall sub-
mit to the General Assembly two budgets, one for each
of the ensuing fiscal years. Each budget shall contain a
complete plan of proposed expenditures and . estimated
revenues for the particular fiscal year to which it relates; and
shall show the estimated surplus or deficit of revenues at the
end of such year. Accompanying each budget shall be a state-
ment showing: (1) the revenues and expenditures for each of
the two fiscal years next preceding; (2) the current assets,
liabilities, reserves and surplus or deficit of the State; (3) the
debts and funds of the State; (4) an estimate of the State's
financial condition as of the beginning and end of each of the
fiscal years covered by the two budgets above provided; (5) any
explanation the Governor may desire to make as to the im-
portant features of any budget and any suggestion as to meth-
ods for the reduction or increase of the State's revenue.

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Amendments to Maryland Constitutions
Volume 380, Page 167   View pdf image (33K)
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