Act of 1890, CHAPTER 362.
AN ACT to amend section three, of article twelve, of the coiisti-
tion of this State.
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Three-fifths of all the members of the two houses concurring,
that the following section be and the same is hereby proposed as
an amendment to the constitution of this State, and if adopted
by the legal and qualified voters thereof as herein provided, it
shall supersede and stand in the place and instead of section three,
of article twelve, of said constitution.
•2. The board of public works is hereby authorized, subject to
such regulations and conditions as the General Assembly may
from time to time prescribe, to sell the State's interest in all works
of internal improvement, whether as a stockholder or a creditor,
and also the State's interest in any banking corporation, receiving
in payment the bonds and registered debt now owing by the State,
equal in amount to the price obtained for the State's said interest.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,
That the said foregoing section hereby proposed as an amendment
to the constitution, shall be at the next general election held in