Act of1890, CHAPTER 255.
AN ACT to amend section one, of article seven, of the constitu-
tion of this State.
SECTION". 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
(Three-fifths of all the members of the two houses concurring,)
That the following .section he and the same is hereby proposed
as an amendment to the constitution of this State, and if adopted
by the legal and qualified voters thereof as herein provided, shall
supersede and stand in the place and instead of section one of
article seven of the said, constitution.
SEC. 1. County commissioners shall be elected on general ticket
of each county by the qualified voters of the several counties of
the State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the
month of November, commencing in the year eighteen hundred,
and ninety-one; their number in each county, their compensa-
tion, powers and duties shall be such as now or may be hereafter
prescribed by law, they shall be elected, at such times, in such
numbers and for such periods not exceeding six years, as may he
prescribed by law.
SEc. 2. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the
said foregoing section hereby proposed as an amendment to the
constitution shall be at the next general election held in this
State, submitted to the legal and qualified voters thereof for their
adoption or rejection, in pursuance of the directions contained in
article fourteen of the constitution of this State; and at the said
general election the vote on said proposed amendment to the con-
stitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be
written or printed the words "For the constitutional amendment,"
or "Against the constitutional amendment," as the voter shall
elect, and immediately after said election due return shall be
made to the governor of the vote for and against said proposed
amendment, as directed by the said fourteenth article of the con-
Approved April 3, 1890.