2126 ARTICLE 48A
as aforesaid, shall have the right to appeal to the Superior Court of Balti-
more City for a writ of mandamus to compel the issuance of such license
in any proper case where the same has been wrongfully and improperly
Cited but not construed in Stout v. Life Ins. Co., 173. Md. 279.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 62. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 61. 1935, ch. 152.
84. (Revocation of License of Agent or Broker.) Whenever the Com-
missioner shall be satisfied that any insurance broker, broker's solicitor,
agent or solicitor, licensed or registered by this State, has wilfully violated
any of the insurance laws of this State, or has wilfully misrepresented
any policies of insurance, or has dealt unjustly with or wilfully deceived
any citizen of this State in regard to any insurance policy, or has failed
or refused to pay over to the company or to his principal or other per-
son whom he represents or has represented, or by or for whom he is
employed or acts, any money or property in the hands of said agent,
solicitor, broker or broker's solicitor belonging to said company, firm,
broker, principal or person when demanded to do so, or has violated any
ruling of the insurance department which he is by law authorized to
make, or upon conviction of any infamous crime under the laws of this
State, or has been guilty of twisting or attempting to twist by misrepre-
sentation any policy of insurance or has made any false statement, answer
or declaration in his application for license, then and in any such case,
the Commissioner may, and it shall be his duty to suspend or revoke
the license of such broker or broker's solicitor, or suspend or revoke the
license of any agent or solicitor for all companies which he represents
in this State for such length of time as the Commissioner may think
proper; provided, however, that before the Commissioner shall suspend
or revoke said license he shall give ten days' notice of .the charges in writ-
ing, to be served upon said broker, agent or solicitor in person or by
registered letter to his last known address, or by copy of the charges left
at his last known address, and provided an opportunity shall be given the
said broker, broker's solicitor, agent, or solicitor to be heard upon said
charges, and the said broker, broker's solicitor, agent or solicitor shall have
the right to have such suspension or revocation of license reviewed by the
Superior Court of Baltimore City, when said offense occurred in Baltimore
City, or by the Circuit Court of any of the counties of the State wherein
such offense or offenses complained of occurred.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 63. 1924, ch. 203.
85. (Fines.) In lieu of proceeding under Section 84, the Insurance
Commissioner may, in his discretion, accept for the first and second of-
fenses a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than
five hundred dollars ($500.00) from such insurance broker, broker's
solicitor, agent or solicitor, whose license may be subject to revocation
under the provisions of Section 84. Upon the acceptance of said fine (said
acceptance being in the discretion of said Insurance Commissioner) pro-
ceedings shall not be begun by said Insurance Commissioner under Section
84 for the revocation of such license for the offense in respect to which said
fine is paid.