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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2125   View pdf image (33K)
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An. Code, 1924, sec. 58. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 57.

80. (Reports of Examinations of Fires.) The commissioner shall, at
the request of the board of fire commissioners of the city of Baltimore, or the
county commissioners of any county, or the municipal authorities of any
incorporated city or town in this state, make to them a written report of the
examination made by him or his deputy regarding any fire happening
within their respective jurisdiction.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 59. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 58.

81. (Companies Shall Report Facts Regarding Losses.) It shall be the
duty of each fire insurance company or association doing business in this
state, within ten days after the adjustment of any loss sustained by it, to
report to the commissioner, upon blanks furnished by him, such information
regarding the amount of insurance, the value of the property insured, and
the amount of claim as adjusted, as in the judgment of the said commis-
sioner it is necessary for him to know.

Agents and Brokers.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 60. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 59. 1924, ch. 235, sec. 59. 1927, ch. 400, sec. 60.

82. (Agents' Licenses.) It shall be unlawful for any person to act as
Agent or Solicitor in this State of any insurance company which has not
complied with all the provisions of this Article applicable to it and with-
out having first secured a license therefor. Every such license or permit
shall have specified upon its face the name of the company for which said
Agent or Solicitor is authorized and limited to act and all such licenses or
permits shall expire midnight on the 30th day of June following the date
of issue.

Cited but not construed in Stout v. Life Ins. Co., 173 Md. 279.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 61. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 60. 1924, ch. 235, sec. 60. 1927, ch. 400, sec. 61.

83. (Application for Agent's and Solicitor's Licenses.) Before any
license or permit shall be issued to any insurance agent or solicitor for any
insurance company in this State, the company desiring to appoint said
agent or solicitor shall make application to the Commissioner for a license
or permit on forms to be prescribed and prepared by the Insurance Com-
missioner and said company shall pay the license or registration fees pre-
scribed by this Article. Before any license or permit is issued to such
agent or solicitor, the Commissioner may refuse to issue any such license
if convinced that the applicant therefor has wilfully misrepresented any
policy of insurance, or has dealt unjustly with or wilfully deceived any
citizen of this State in regard to any insurance policy, or that his license
or authority to act for any Insurance Company has been refused or re-
voked in this or any other state for violation of law; or has misrepresented
the terms or conditions of any insurance policy or contract or has misap-
propriated or withheld from any Insurance Company, general agent, agent
or broker any money or property received or collected by him for any com-
pany, general agent, agent or broker under any former or existing employ-
ment as agent, broker or solicitor, or has wilfully violated any of the insur-
ance laws of this state or any ruling of the Commissioner which he is by
law authorized to make; provided, that any person deeming himself ag-
grieved by any such refusal by the Commissioner to grant any such license


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2125   View pdf image (33K)
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