An. Code, 1924, sec. 64. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 62.
86. (Payment of Commission to Unauthorized Agent.) No company
and no agent or employee of any company, or other person, whether such
person be a licensed broker or otherwise, shall directly or indirectly, pay,
except to the lawful agent or solicitor of such company, and to him solely
upon the premiums on policies issued by the company for which he may be
licensed agent or solicitor, or to an insurance broker licensed by the State
of Maryland, any commission, reward, or rebate in consideration of pro-
curing, or influencing others to procure, insurance from such company or
person, or collect or agree to collect from any person, whether or not the
same may be the owner of the property insured, or his agent, or other per-
son, any amount less than that expressed in the policy or policies as being
the premiums therefor.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 65. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 63.
87. (Resident Agent.) No company authorized to transact business in
this state, and no person, resident or non resident, shall write any policy of
insurance, or assume any liability in the matter of insurance upon any
property, real or personal, situated in this state, unless such policy, certifi-
cate or other evidence of liability assumed by said company or person shall
have been, previous to delivery, signed or countersigned by an officer or
agent, resident in this state, authorized by law to sign such policy or con-
tract ; provided, however, that policies issued to railway corporations insur-
ing the rolling stock and other movable property of said road, and those
insuring the liability of such railroads as common carriers, shall be subject
to the requirement that they shall be signed by the resident agent in cases
only where more than one-half the trackage of the roads operated by such
railway companies is situate in the State of Maryland. Every company or
person, resident or non-resident, engaged in business in this state, shall
pay to its legally licensed agent in the State of Maryland, for signing or
countersigning any policy, certificate or other evidence of liability assumed
by said company or person, the same rate and amount of commissions as if
such policy, certificate or other evidence of liability had been issued through
said agent residing in the State of Maryland; and no agent shall sign or
countersign any policy, certificate or other evidence of liability, upon any
property situated in this state, for an amount less than the commission
allowed on any policy, certificate or other evidence of liability issued
through an agent residing in this state. The premiums on all policies so
signed or countersigned shall be included in the report of gross premiums
required to be made to the insurance commissioner by all companies not
organized under the laws of this state.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 66. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 64.
88. (Insurance Broker.) All licenses for the purpose of conducting
the occupation or business of insurance broker or broker's solicitor shall be
granted by the State Insurance Commissioner of Maryland, and all such
licenses granted by said Commissioner shall expire on the 1st day of May
thereafter. Whoever, for compensation, acts or aids in any manner in
negotiating contracts of insurance or reinsurance or placing risks or effect-
ing insurance or reinsurance for a person other than himself, and not
being a duly appointed solicitor, agent or officer of the company in which