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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2110   View pdf image (33K)
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2110 ARTICLE 48A

any officer, agent, solicitor or representative thereof, shall with intent to
discriminate make or permit any distinction in rates applied or premiums
charged or dividends or other benefits returned, or the terms or conditions
of insurance, whereby any person whose property is insured in a particular
company is favored as compared with another whose property is insured
in such company and is of the same character and condition and similarly
situated as to exposure, ownership, control, possession or occupancy and
risk as his; or make or negotiate any contract for insurance on property
or risk located within this State, or against liability, casualty, accident or
hazard that may arise of occur therein, or any agreement as to such con-
tract, other than as plainly expressed in the policy or contract of insurance
issued or to be issued thereon, nor directly or indirectly, in any manner
whatsoever, as inducement to such insurance, pay, allow, or offer to pay
or allow to the insured named in such policy, or to any employee of such
insured, nor shall any such insured or the employee of such insured, directly
or indirectly accept or knowingly receive, or agree to accept or receive in
any manner whatsoever, as inducement to such insurance, at any time or
under any conditions, before or after the insurance shall have been effected,
any inducement or rebate from the premium specified in the policy or con-
tract of insurance, or any special favor or advantage in the dividends or
other benefit to accrue thereon, or any valuable consideration or inducement
whatsoever not specified in the policy or contract of insurance, issued or to
be issued. No insurance agent's, broker's or solicitor's license shall be issued
to any insured or any employee of an insured for the purpose of evading the
provisions of this section. Nor shall any corporation, association, partner-
ship, Lloyd's, individual underwriters, or reciprocal associations, or any
officer, agent, solicitor, or representative thereof, authorized or permitted
to do an insurance business in this State as insurer or broker, give or sell
to, nor any insured or his, her or its employee receive, hold, accept or pur-
chase as an inducement to insurance any of its stock, bonds or other securi-
ties, and no such insured or his, her or its employee, shall sell to, nor any
insurer or broker or any officer, agent, solicitor, or representative thereof,
receive, hold, accept or purchase as an inducement to insurance, any stock,
bonds or other securities of any such, or any other corporation. Nothing
herein contained shall prevent any corporation, association, partnership,
Lloyd's, individual underwriters, or reciprocal association, lawfully doing
an insurance business in this State as an insurer, from the distribution of
surplus and dividends to policy holders after the first year of insurance, nor
prevent any member of an inter-insurance, or Lloyd's association, or recipro-
cal association, from receiving the profit of its underwriting. Nor shall any-
thing herein contained prevent any licensed broker, individual, co-partner-
ship, or corporation, from sharing or dividing commissions earned or re-
ceived by him, them or it, with any other insurance broker or brokers,
licensed by this State, who shall have aided in respect to the insurance for
the negotiation of which such commissions shall have been earned or paid,
nor shall it prevent the agent or solicitor of any company from sharing or
dividing commissions earned or received by him with any other licensed
agent, or, solicitor, of the same company in which such business was written
or placed, who shall have aided in respect to the insurance on which such
commission shall have been earned or paid.

Nothing contained herein shall be held to prevent the coverage of risks
by temporary binders, or temporary contracts of insurance, or such other
memoranda, as to not conflict with the laws of this State or the foregoing


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2110   View pdf image (33K)
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