27. Misleading name.
47. Penalties for violation of secs. 44, 45
28. Admission of foreign companies.
and 46.
29. Certificate of authority to domestic
48. Advertising by companies not au-
.thorized to do business.
30. Annual statement.
49. Consolidation of companies.
31. Publication of abstracts of annual
50. Property of foreign companies in
32. Publication of revocation of license.
51. Examination of companies.
33. Conditions precedent to beginning
52. Liquidation of insolvent or illegally
conducted companies.
34. License fees of foreign life companies.
53-65. Appointment of receiver for do-
35. License fees of foreign fire and mis-
mestic company; rehabilitation of
cellaneous companies.
such companies.
36. License fees of domestic surety and
66. Proceedings to vacate charter.
casualty companies.
67. Penalties.
37. License fees of title and mortgage
68. Liability policies.
guarantee companies.
38. License fees of domestic life, fire, etc.,
Fire Investigation Bureau.
39. Tax on premiums.
69. Investigation of fires.
40. Miscellaneous fees.
70. Special deputy for investigation of
41. Retaliatory provisions.
42. Production of books, etc.
71-78. Regulations for handling, storage
43. Blue sky provisions.
or transportation of explosives or
44. Rebating unlawful (life and accident).
highly flammable materials; fire
45. Rebating and discriminations.
46. Misrepresentation of terms of policy.
79. Examination of persons and premises.
This section referred to in construing secs. 193 and 229 of art. 23, of An. Code, 1912?
see notes thereto (this footnote and footnote to sec. 180). International Fraternal
Alliance v. State, 86 Md. 558.
See art. 23, sec. 148.
158. See art. 45, sec. 8, et seq., and notes.
159. Where a foreign insurance company has not complied with the requirements
of this section and secs. 161 and 182 of art. 23, An. Code, 1912, and a Baltimore broker
is applied to for fire insurance and he applies to certain brokers in New York, and they
apply to such insurance company; and the latter company mails the policies to the
New York brokers, who in turn send them to the Baltimore broker, who delivers them
to the insured, collects the premium and after deducting his commission, forwards the
balance through the brokers to the insurance company; the receiver of such insurance
company cannot recover assessments on such policies. Stevens v. Rasin Fertilizer Co.,
87 Md. 683.
159A. See art. 23, secs. 33 and 391.
161. See notes to sec. 159 (this footnote).
167. This section referred to in construing art. 23, sec. 178?see notes thereto. Cum-
berland Gaslight Co. v. W. Va. Gas Co., 188 Fed. 585.
175. The Governor, comptroller and treasurer have the power (by unanimous action)
to remove the insurance commissioner without cause and without notice. History of
the insurance department. Townsend v. Kurtz, 83 Md. 340 (decided in 1896).
As to workmen's compensation insurance, see art. 101.
178. Sub-sec. 7 of this section does not authorize an insurance company to be de-
prived of its property without due process, and hence is not unconstitutional. Suit
held to have been brought under, and to have been conducted in substantial compli-
ance with, sub-sec. 7, and hence that the court had jurisdiction. Monumental Ins. Co. v.
Wilkinson, 100 Md. 32.
This section referred to in declaring sec. 122B of the act of 1902, ch. 338, in conflict
with art. 3, sec. 29, of the Md. Constitution, and hence void. Kafka v. Wilkinson, 99
Md. 238; Baltimore v. Williams, 124 Md. 513.
179. This section referred to in declaring sec. 122B of the act of 1902, ch. 338, in
conflict with art. 3, sec. 29, of the Md. Constitution, and hence void. Kafka v. Wilkin-
son, 99 Md. 238.
182. This section held not to give Maryland courts jurisdiction over the internal
affairs of a foreign corporation, nor any visitorial power over it so that its charter
might be forfeited or its officers removed; nor can Maryland courts exercise authority
over the by-laws or the relations between such corporation and its members growing
out of the law of its creation. Object of this section. Controversy held to relate solely