1. Definitions.
15. Certificate to be approved by com-
missioner before recording.
Insurance Department.
16. Classes of business that may be com-
2. Title and jurisdiction.
3. Insurance commissioner.
4. Qualifications; compensation; bond.
17. Capital stock.
18. Cancellation and re-issue of capital
5. Deputy insurance commissioner:
6. Examiner.
19. Deposit of securities by domestic
7. Actuary.
8. Auditor.
20. Deposit by industrial life insurance
9. Clerks.
10-11. Powers and duties; rules and regu-
21. Deposit of securities by foreign com-
12. Annual report to Governor.
22. Additional deposits.
23. Exchange and surrender of deposits.
General Provisions.
24. Sale of and income from deposits.
25. Investment of reserves.
13. Formation of insurance corporations.
26. Business shall be conducted in own
14. Powers and purposes.
1The act of 1922, ch. 492, repealed all of the sections of art. 23, "Corporations,"
under the sub-titles "Insurance Companies," "Insurance Department," "Insurance
Broker," "Fire Marshal," "Fraternal Societies, Orders or Associations" and "Trust,
Surety and Fidelity Companies" (as well as such parts of secs. 106 to 119 of that article
as relate to guaranty, surety or other insurance companies, or the insurance business).
In lieu thereof the act of 1922 enacted a new insurance article to be known as art. 48A.
There are a number 'of cases which construed or dealt with the sections of art. 23, re-
pealed as aforesaid, but as the act of 1922 enacted an entirely new. article, it is difficult,
and in some cases impossible, to allocate those decisions to any particular sections of
the new article. At the same time it does not seem desirable to omit these decisions
entirely, and hence the decisions dealing with sections of art. 23 under the first three
sub-titles above named are collected in this footnote under the number of the section
of art. 23 of the An. Code of 1912 to which they refer. For similar decisions dealing
with sections under the sub-title "Fraternal Societies," etc., see foot-note to sec. 180
(this article)...
152. This section referred to in construing secs. 193 and 229 of art. 23, An. Code,
1912—see notes thereto (this footnote and footnote to sec. 180). International Fraternal
Alliance v. State, 86 Md. 558. ; ...
Cited but not construed in Munich Co. v. United Surety Co., 113 Md. 221.
As to process against insurance companies, in addition to secs. 109 to 119, of art. 23,
see art. 75, sec. 27, and sec. 172 (this article).
As to the cancellation in whole or in part of the capital stock of a life or accident
insurance company, see sec. 184.
As to fraternal orders, see sec. 180, et seq.
As to workmen's compensation insurance, see art. 101.
As to fraud by directors or officers of insurance companies, see art. 27, sec. 224. .
153. Corporations formed under this section, held not to be exempted from the pro-
visions of sec. 77 of the Code of 1904 (see sec. 92 of art. 23). The word "advance" as
used in this section, defined. This section contrasted with said sec. 77. Fisher v. Parr,
92 Md. 275.
154C. See art. 23, sec. 20.
154J. As to workmen's compensation, see art. 101.
155. See art. 23, sec. 33, et seq.
157. A deposit with the state treasurer—whether under the rules of this section or
voluntarily, it was not material to consider—held to create a trust fund in accordance
with a certificate issued by the treasurer to the company. Casualty Co.'s Case; 82
Md. 560. .