80. Reports of examinations of fires.
96-97. Unauthorized insurance.
81. Companies shall report facts regarding
98. Stamping policies in unauthorized
99. Stamping policies in authorized com-
Agents and Brokers.
82. Agent's and solicitor's licenses.
83. Application for agent's and solicitor's
100. Penalties for violation of Secs. 96-99.
101. Reinsurance reserve.
102. Impairment of capital.
84. Revocation of license of agent or
103. Lloyds insurance.
85. Fines in lieu of revocation of license.
Life, Accident and Health Insurance.
86. Payment of commission to unauthor-
104. Life insurance companies.
ized agent.
105. Health and Accident Insurance.
87. Resident agent.
106. Forms to be approved by Commis-
88. Insurance broker.
89. Broker's bond.
107. Burial Insurance.
90. Broker's license.
108-109. Burial Insurance Societies.
91. Broker's solicitor.
110. Burial Insurance Benefits.
92. Non-resident brokers.
111. Valuation of policies.
93. Non-licensed associations, persons or
112. Valuation of policies on lives of in-
corporations prohibited; premium to
be stamped on face of policy.
113. Valuation of securities.
94. Penalties for violation of secs. 88, 90,
114. Insurance for wife's sole use.
91 and 92.
115. Misrepresentation in application.
116. Misstatement of age in application.
Fire Insurance.
117. Postponement of dividends on poli-
95. Insurance of property by guardians,
118. Underaverage risks.
to the internal management of a corporation. Condon v. Mutual Reserve Assn., 89
Md. 116.
Where a foreign insurance company has executed the power of attorney prescribed
by this section, service of process of the United States circuit court on the agent named
in such power is valid although the suit is upon a cause of action of which the state
courts could not take jurisdiction under sec. 411 of the Code of 1904?see art. 23, sec.
119. Object of this section. Carstairs v. Mechanics' Ins. Co., 13 Fed. 824.
When a New York insurance commissioner in whom the law of that state vested a
discretion to refuse a foreign insurance company a license, unjustifiably refuses such
license to a Maryland company, the Maryland insurance commissioner is justified as a
measure of retaliation under sec. 205 of art. 23, An. Code, 1912, in refusing a similar
New York company a license, although it has complied with this section. Talbott v.
Fidelity, etc., Co., 74 Md. 541.
The whole matter of the service of process on foreign insurance companies is regu-
lated by the act of 1878, ch. 106, sec. 30, and sec. 411 of the Code of 1904 (see art. 23,
sec. 119), has no application thereto. Oland v. Agricultural Ins. Co., 69 Md. 250 (decided
in 1888).
Under the act of 1872, ch. 388, sec. 33, and previous acts, a non-resident has the right
to sue on a policy of insurance issued in this state, although the insurance company's
agency had been withdrawn from the state prior to the loss. Service of process upon
the insurance commissioner, held sufficient. Ben Franklin Ins. Co. v. Gillett, 54 Md. 216.
This section referred to in deciding that a book found among the books and papers
in the office of the insurance commissioner and containing a document purporting to
be a copy of the defendant's charter, was admissible in evidence. Metropolitan Ins. Co.
v. Dempsey, 72 Md. 293.
See notes to secs. 159 and 201 (this footnote).
As to process against insurance companies, see also art. 75, sec. 27.
As to process against fraternal orders, see sec. 198 (art. 48A).
184. That a traverser might be liable under this section and sec. 192 of art. 23, An.
Code, 1912, relating to solicitors for insurance companies is immaterial where he had
been indicted under secs. 218 and 219 of art. 23. An. Code, 1912, relating to solicitors
for brokers. State v. Geddes, 127 Md. 169.
For a case construing the act of 1878, ch. 106, sec. 31, see State v. Insurance Co. of
North America, 55 Md. 493.
Cited but not construed in State v. Applegarth, 81 Md. 304.
185. See notes to sec. 219 (this footnote).