been permitted, or to the property adjacent thereto, such Board or Chief
of the Fire Department, or officer of a voluntary company as aforesaid,
shall give notice in writing to the occupant or occupants, or one of them,
of the premises where such accumulation has been permitted, to remove or
cause to be removed from such premises such material of a combustible
nature within forty-eight hours after receipt by him or her of such notice.
In case such material of such combustible nature shall not be removed
within forty-eight hours after notice as aforesaid, such Board or Chief
of the Fire Department, or other officer as herein specified, may cause the
same to be removed from such premises, and thereupon cause notice in
writing of the cost and expenses of such removal to be given to such occu-
pant or occupants, or one of them, and also certify the amount thereof
to the City Treasurer, Town Treasurer or County Treasurer of the city,
town or county, and in case such costs and expenses shall not be paid to
said treasurer within thirty days after such notice, such city, town or
county may recover such costs and expenses in an action on the case against
such occupant or occupants.
See art. 48A, sec. 70.
1929, ch. 260, sec. 145.
166. Any person refusing to allow or hindering or obstructing such
inspection shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hun-
dred dollars or imprisoned for not exceeding thirty days for each such
1929, ch. 260, sec. 146.
167. Any person who shall refuse or neglect to remove such material
of a combustible nature at the expiration of the forty-eight hours' notice
provided in Section 165 hereof shall be fined not less than five dollars nor
more than fifty dollars for each such offense.
1937, ch. 347, sec. 147.
168. The Maryland State Board of Agriculture shall have the power
to supervise the sale and transportation of poultry, as hereinafter pro-
vided. No person, other than a producer or a retailer of dressed poultry,
shall engage in the business of buying or selling poultry or deal in poultry
on a commission basis or as a broker or in any other manner, unless he
has a license therefor from the State Board of Agriculture. Each vehicle,
except railroads and express cars, used by a licensee in transporting poul-
try shall bear two metal plates suitably displayed, said plates to show
owner's license number and the licensee shall also affix or cause to be affixed
to each vehicle used in the business of transporting poultry as aforesaid,
a certified copy of such license in which such vehicle shall be particularly
1937, ch. 347, sec. 148.
169. No person other than a producer shall transport poultry from
place to place, unless he has in his possession a memorandum signed by
the vendor and containing the vendor's address, the date of sale, breed
(in the case of live poultry), weight and number of poultry purchased or
has such other information as will establish the ownership of same.