2086 ARTICLE 48
for any one year. The Chief Inspector shall give receipts for said fees and
shall pay all sums so received to the Commissioner of Labor and Statistics.
The inspection of second hand boilers by the Chief Inspector or his
deputies shall be at the rate of twenty ($20.00) dollars per day or part
thereof, and his expenses, for the first boiler inspected and ten ($10.00)
dollars for each additional boiler inspected for the same owner or user
when inspected on the same trip.
1939, ch. 718, sec. 143.
163. The Chief Inspector shall furnish a bond in the sum of five
thousand ($5,000.00) dollars and each of the deputy inspectors employed
and paid by the state shall furnish a bond in the sum of two thousand
($2,000.00) dollars conditioned upon the faithful performance of their
duties and upon a true account of moneys handled by them respectively
and the payment thereof to the proper recipient. The cost of said bonds
shall be paid by the State Treasury; provided that the provisions of this
sub-title shall not apply to Caroline, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Gar-
rett, Harford, Kent, Queen Anne's, St. Mary's, Somerset, Talbot, Wash-
ington, Worcester and Wicomico Counties.
1939, ch. 718, sec. 2.
164. If any section or part of section of this Act be held invalid, such
invalidity shall not affect the other sections or provisions of this sub-title.1
Fire Inspections.
1929, ch. 260, sec. 144. 1931, ch. 285.
165. The members of the Board of Fire Commissioners and the Chief
of the Fire Department and his assistants, and any other officer or officers
or member or members of the Fire Department acting under the direction
of such Board or Chief of each of the cities of this State, and the Chief,
Chief Engineer, Captain or Lieutenant of any volunteer fire company, fire
district or any other organization created for the purpose of and engaged
in the work of extinguishing fires in any town or county of this State,
whether incorporated or not, exclusive of Baltimore City and Baltimore
County are hereby severally authorized and empowered to inspect all
buildings, structures or other places in their respective city, town or county,
excepting, however, the interior of a private dwelling, where any com-
bustible material, including waste paper, rags, shavings, waste, leather,
rubber crates, boxes, barrels, rubbish or other combustible material that
is or may become dangerous as a fire menace to such building or buildings,
structures or other places, has been allowed to accumulate, or where such
board or members thereof, chief, assistants, or other officer aforesaid, has
reason to believe that such material of a combustible nature has accumu-
lated or is liable to be accumulated.
If such Board or Chief of the Fire Department, or Chief, Captain or
Lieutenant of a volunteer fire company, as designated above, after any
inspection made under authority of this sub-title, shall in its or his discre-
tion deem that any such accumulation of material of a combustible nature
increases the danger of fire to the premises where such accumulation has
1 Sec. 3, ch. 718, 1939, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith to extent of such