2088 ARTICLE 48
1937, ch. 347, sec. 149.
170. The application for license and license plates under Section 168
shall be made upon forms supplied by the State Board of Agriculture. The
license shall be issued only to applicants who are believed to be financially
responsible. The fee f or the license shall be two dollars ($2.00) and the
fee for the license plates shall be fifty cents ($.50) for each vehicle, said
licenses and license plates to be issued annually and to expire on March 31st
of the year or part thereof for which issued: The State Board of Agricul-
ture shall have the power to make necessary rules and regulations for ad-
ministering this sub-title and to prescribe and to require such records and
reports as may be deemed necessary therefor. The State Board of Agri-
culture, after due hearing, shall have the power to suspend or revoke any
license for violation of any provision of this sub-title or any rule or regula-
tion made thereunder and shall have the power to refuse to issue a license
upon evidence that the applicant is or has been defrauding by shortweigh-
ing, paying by worthless checks or misrepresenting in dealings with pro-
ducers, applicant or other licensees or for repeated violations of any of the
provisions of this sub-title or the rules and regulations made thereunder.
1937, ch. 347, sec. 150.
171. Any State, county, city or town police officer, or any peace officer
of the State, shall have the power to stop any vehicle to determine whether
the provisions of this sub-title are being complied with and to hold any
vehicle transporting poultry, and the operator or operators thereof, to
determine the ownership of said poultry.
1937, ch. 347, sec. 151.
172. For the purposes of this sub-title, "person" shall mean any in-
dividual, firm or corporation; "retailer" shall mean a person with an estab-
lished place of business selling dressed poultry for household consumption,
which poultry was purchased dressed, and "poultry" shall mean all domestic
fowl, including pigeons, turkeys and game birds.
1937, ch. 347, sec. 152.
173. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this sub-title
and/or the lawful rules and regulations made thereunder, or who buys poul-
try except from a licensee under this sub-title or from a producer, shall, for
the first offense, be fined not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)
and for any subsequent offense not more than Three Hundred Dollars
($300.00), and/or imprisonment, for not more than thirty (30) days.