or any deputy inspector may at any time suspend an inspection certificate
when, in his opinion, the boiler for which it was issued may not continue to
be operated without menace to the public safety or when the boiler is found
not to comply with the rules herein provided for, and a special inspector
shall have corresponding powers with respect to inspection certificates for
boilers insured by the company employing him. Such suspension of an
inspection certificate shall continue in effect until such boiler shall have
been made to conform to the rules and regulations of the Board of Boiler
Rules and until said inspection certificate shall have been reinstated.
1939, ch. 718, sec. 140.
160. On and after June 1, 1939, it shall be unlawful for any person,
firm, partnership or corporation to operate under pressure in this state a
boiler to which this sub-title applies without a valid inspection certificate,
as provided for in this sub-title. The operation of a boiler without such
inspection certificate or at a pressure exceeding that specified in such in-
spection certificate shall constitute a misdemeanor on the part of the owner,
or user or operator thereof and be punishable by a fine not exceeding one
hundred ($100.00) dollars, or. imprisonment not to exceed 30 days or both,
at the discretion of the court. Each day of such unlawful operation shall be
deemed a separate offense.
1939, ch. 718, sec. 141.
161. No boiler which, does not conform to the rules and regulations
formulated by the Board of Boiler Rules governing new installations shall
be installed in this State after three months from the date of the approval
of this sub-title by the Governor.
All boilers installed and ready for use, or being used, before the said
three months shall have elapsed shall be made to conform to the rules and
regulations of the Board of Boiler Rules governing existing installations,
and the formulae therein prescribed shall be used in determining the maxi-
mum allowable working pressure of such boilers.
All boilers to be installed after three months from the date of the ap-
proval of this sub-title by the Governor shall be inspected during construc-
tion by an inspector authorized to inspect boilers in this state, or if con-
structed outside the state by an inspector holding a certificate from the
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, as provided
in Section 157 or a certificate of authority from the Chief Inspector of this
State, which certificate shall be issued by the said Chief Inspector to any
inspector who holds a certificate of authority to inspect boilers, issued by a
state which shall have adopted boiler rules that require standards of con-
struction and operation substantially equal to those of this State.
1939, ch. 718, sec. 142.
162. The owner or user of a boiler required by this sub-title to be
inspected by the Chief Boiler Inspector, or his deputy inspectors, shall pay
to the Chief Inspector eight ($8.00) dollars for each high pressure boiler ex-
cept miniature boilers, internally inspected; three ($3.00) dollars for each
high pressure boiler except miniature boilers, externally inspected while
under pressure; two and 50/100 ($2.50) dollars for each miniature boiler
internally inspected; provided that not more than eleven ($11.00) dollars
shall be collected for such inspections of any high pressure boiler, made