2084 ARTICLE 48
be given by the State Board of Boiler Rules, or by at least two examiners to
be appointed by said Board, and must be in writing. Such examinations
shall be confined to questions the answers to which will aid in determining
the fitness and competency of the applicant for the intended service and
shall be of uniform grade throughout the State. In case an applicant for
an inspector's appointment or commission fails to pass the examination,
he may appeal to the Board of Boiler Rules for a second examination which
shall be given by said Board or, if by examiners appointed by said Board,
then by examiners other than those by whom the first examination was
given, and these examiners shall be appointed forthwith to give said
second examination. Upon the result of this examination on appeal, the
Board shall determine whether the applicant be qualified. The record of an
applicant's examination, whether original or on appeal, shall be accessible
to him and his employer.
A commission may be suspended or revoked by the Chief Inspector of
boilers for the incompetence or untrustworthiness of the holder thereof,
or for wilful falsification of any matter or statement contained in his
application or in a report of any inspection. A person whose commission is
revoked may appeal from the revocation to the Board of Boiler Rules which
shall hear the appeal and either set aside or affirm the revocation, and its
decision shall be final. A person whose commission has been revoked shall
be entitled to be present in person and by counsel on the hearing of the
appeal. If a certificate or commission is lost or destroyed a new certifi-
cate or commission shall be issued in its place without another examination.
A person who has failed to pass the examination for a commission or whose
commission has been revoked except for untrustworthiness shall be entitled
to apply for a new examination and commission after ninety days from
such failure or revocation.
1939, ch. 718, sec. 139.
159. On and after June 1, 1939, each boiler used or proposed to be
used within this State, except boilers exempt under Section 155, shall
be inspected annually internally and externally while not under pressure by
the Chief Inspector or by one of the deputy inspectors or special inspectors
provided for herein as to its construction, installation, condition and opera-
tion; If at any time a hydrostatic test shall be deemed necessary to deter-
mine the safety of a boiler, same shall be made, at the direction of the in-
spector, by the owner or user thereof. Not more than fourteen months
shall elapse between internal inspections, and external inspections while
under pressure shall also be made at no greater intervals.
If a boiler shall upon inspection be found to be suitable, and to conform
to the rules and regulations of the Board of Boiler Rules, the owner or user
thereof, shall pay to the Chief Inspector and to be collected by him the
sum of one ($1.00) dollar and the Chief Inspector shall issue to such
owner or user an inspection certificate specifying the maximum pressure
which the boiler may be allowed to carry. Such inspection certificate shall
be valid for not more than fourteeen months from its date and it shall be
posted under glass in the room containing such boiler or in the case of a
portable boiler, in a metal case to be kept in the tool box accompanying the
boiler. No inspection certificate issued for a boiler inspected by a special in-
spector shall be valid after the boiler for which it was issued shall cease
to be insured by a duly authorized insurance company. The Chief Inspector