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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2083   View pdf image (33K)
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1939, ch. 718, sec. 136.

156. The Commissioner of Labor and Statistics is hereby charged,
directed and empowered:

To employ, subject to the approval of the Governor, deputy inspectors
who shall have passed the examination provided for in Section 158.

The Chief Inspector and his deputy inspectors shall have free access for
himself and his said deputies, during reasonable hours, to any premises in
the State where a boiler is being constructed or is being installed or operated
in accordance with the provisions of this sub-title.

To prosecute all violators of the provisions of this sub-title to issue,
suspend and revoke inspection certificates allowing boilers to be operated,
as provided in this sub-title.

The Commissioner of Labor and Statistics is hereby empowered to set
up a special fund from collections made under this sub-title to be drawn
upon to cover the cost of necessary expenses incurred by the administration
of this sub-title, to be supplemented if necessary, from general funds, until
such time as this department shall become self-supporting.

To enforce the laws of the State governing the use of boilers and to en-
force the rules and regulations of the Board of Boiler Rules.

To keep a complete record of the type, dimensions, age, condition, pres-
sure allowed upon, location and date of the last inspection of all boilers to
which this sub-title applies.

To publish and distribute among manufacturers and others requesting
them, copies of the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Boiler

1939, ch. 718, sec. 137.

157. In addition to the deputy boiler inspectors authorized by Section
155, the Chief Inspector shall, upon the request of any company authorized
to insure against loss from explosion of boilers in this State, issue to any
boiler inspectors of said company commissions as special inspectors, pro-
vided that each such inspector before receiving his commission shall pass
satisfactorily the examination provided for in Section 158 or, in lieu of
such examination shall hold a certificate of competency as an inspector of
boilers for a state that has a standard of examination substantially equal
to that of the State of Maryland or a certificate as an inspector of boilers
from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Inspectors. Such special
inspectors shall receive no salary from, nor shall any of their expenses be
paid by the state, and the continuance of a special inspector's commission
shall be conditioned upon his continuing in the employ of a boiler inspec-
tion and insurance company duly authorized as aforesaid, and upon his
maintenance of the standards imposed by this sub-title. Such special in-
spectors shall inspect all boilers insured by their respective companies, and
the owners or users of such insured boilers shall be exempt from the pay-
ment of inspection fees, as provided for in Section 162. Each company
employing such special inspectors shall within thirty days following each
annual internal inspection made by such inspectors, file a report of such
inspection with the chief inspector upon appropriate forms as promulgated
by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

1939, ch. 718, sec. 138.

158. Examinations for deputy inspectors shall be given by the State
Employment Commissioner and the special inspectors' examination shall


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2083   View pdf image (33K)
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