ments; board to order discontinu-
398. Water mains and sewers to extend
ance of, and changes in method;
to property line; properties to be
permits; plans showing existing
connected; penalty.
methods submitted to board.
399. Service rates for maintenance may be
383. Where water or ice is from source
which is or likely to become dan-
400. Rules and regulations.
gerous, or sewerage is or is likely
401. Purchase of private companies and
to become dangerous, Board of
operation of same.
Health may close up source or place
402. Mains or service pipes in highways;
of sewage discharge; changes to
remedy conditions; condemnation of
403. Pipes, tracks, etc., of individuals and
sources of supply or sewage disposal.
corporations to be removed or ad-
384. Property upon which there is a spring,
justed to accommodate water mains,
well, cesspool, privy, etc., which may
sewers, etc.; notices; conditions.
become prejudicial to health, may
404. Street grades and lines may be estab-
be ordered connected with water
supply or sewerage system if there
405. Right of entry by employees or agent
is one available, and spring, etc.,
of municipality.
abandoned; board may prevent con-
406. Contracts with county, state or fed-
struction of well, cesspool, privy,
eral authorities.
etc.; condemnation of structures.
407. Penalty.
385. Board of Health to have supervision
408. Bonds — referendum before issue.
over water for potable purposes and
409-410. Repeal of inconsistent laws; not
method of bottling, etc.; permits;
to affect certain specified agencies.
water from outside of Maryland.
386. Board of Health to have supervision
over ice used for domestic purposes;
permits; place of storage and han-
411-414. Board of Osteopathic Examiners;
dling of; rules and regulations.
appointment; qualifications; term of
387. Records to be kept by counties, cities,
office; vacancies; death; meetings;
corporations, etc., supplying water,
ice or sewerage service; access to
415. Examinations, how conducted; report
and license.
388. Permits revocable and subject to
416. Fees; compensation and expenses of
change after notice; permits issued
for specified period.
417. License to persons practicing osteop-
389. Counties, cities, corporations, etc.,
athy in Maryland on April 13, 1914;
may appeal from order of Board of
requirements; fee; records of board.
Health; procedure; action to have
418. License to persons beginning practice
precedence; appeal to Court of Ap-
of osteopathy in Maryland after
April 13, 1914; requirements; per-
390. Penalties for failing to comply with
sons practicing in other, states; ex-
order of Board of Health or of court
amination, result of to be reported;
on appeal.
subsequent examinations.
391. Board of Health may employ experts,
419. What schools recognized; rights of
engineers, etc.; expenses thereof;
osteopaths practicing on April 13,
1914, preserved.
392. Interstate Commission on Potomac
420. Person wrongfully practicing; trial
River Basin.
licensed by examiners of other
393. Municipalities may establish or pur-
states; requirements; credentials of
chase water, sewerage or drainage
candidates for examination ; prelimi-
systems, etc.
nary education; license to be filed
394. May acquire land, water courses,
with court clerks; removal; registra-
buildings, etc.; proceedings.
tions, fee for.
395-396. May issue bonds to secure funds
421. Definition of osteopathy; scope of li-
and levy taxes to pay interest and
cense; false representations, penalty
retire same.
397. May levy special assessments; no-
422. Osteopaths subject to regulations for
tices; liens.
control of contagious diseases. Law